Have people noticed that over the past few years, we as a society have almost demonised attractiveness almost as much as we worshiped it? Note that when I say 'society' I am not including the mainstream media which has been as distant from realistic society as it has ever been. I'm talking social media, youth trends, and well the usual bar/mamak/kopitiam discussions between people.
What was the load of crap in that first paragraph you ask? Let me explain, over the past few years we have made it almost criminal to be physically attractive. Think back to times you've complained about an upcoming artist being successful only because of good looks. Think back to the time you shared that facebook post about a girl with physical disfigurement being more beautiful than a model. Think back to the times you've condemned the world for giving good looking people an unfair advantage.
Yes, it has now become a trend to hate good looking people almost as much as we love them. Granted, I do agree that worshiping 'size zero' looks is beyond negative for young children, but we have reached a point where we actually disregard someone because of their looks. Think of Susan Boyle and the impact she has had about not being beautiful and having a nice voice. Yes good on her, she has an amazing voice and is now successful. But does she realise that her fame was generated due to the fact that she wasn't attractive?
If Susan Boyle looked like a Victoria Secret model and had the same voice she has, we would either a) just forgotten about her as another 'attractive person who made it big' or b) used her as an example that the world only serves attractive people. Its ludicrous. We have gone full circle and now hate good looking people for not being ugly.
This is what i'm saying, good looks, are almost all the time genetic, which means given at birth. Sure you can do things to make yourself look better, but almost all the time it is in your blood. Now, think about all the complaints you've heard from social hipsters that artists nowadays need to be judged on talent because the way they are doing it is unfair. Last i checked, the 'talent' that people want on stage, was also genetic, was also given at birth, they just decided to hone it better.
The same people saying artist should be judged by 'talent' are the same ones begrudging the fact that only 'attractive' people are successful. Which goes on to my next point, these are the same people that hate the fact you can get somewhere in life through connections and meeting people. I find it hilarious that we are now complaining about people socialising as a means to be successful.
Here's my theory, 'talent' is a God given birth right, social connections (except inheritance) is actual work put into something. Now i'm not saying talented people don't deserve recognition, they definitely do! But so do those who have worked their way up the ladder, who have had to kiss their bosses' ass and forced to be pleasant to everyone, those people deserve to be wherever they are too.
In other words, if your argument that TALENT should be more successful than people with connections is because they deserve it more, than you are also supporting the face that ATTRACTIVENESS (which is also God given at birth) deserve their success regardless of what field they are in.
You might then ask me where do I stand. Well I'm gonna go against all trends here and actually think our system is somewhat working in this respect. People are successful because they deserve to be. Whether they are talented, or they kissed ass on their way there. You work with what you have. Then again, that is just my opinion. Feel free to now bombard me with your replies on how I am a retarded bigot. Thank you.
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